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We'll be happy to be at your service also via: Email: Phone: 09-9585085 Fax: 09-9582665
Address: ZOOZ Marketing Ltd.,
Mohaliver 1, suite 58, Herzliya 46328 Israel

Customer Service and CRM

Customer Service

How well do you really know your customers?
Do you manage structured databases about them?
Are your customers satisfied with your service?
How do you prepare to ensure this and to retain customers?
How do you handle customer complaints? Do you have an orderly procedure?
What percentage of your customers make repeat purchases?
Do they also recommend you to others?
And are your internal customers satisfied with the service they receive?
What is the turnover rate of the service providers in your organization?
Have the service providers been trained in the field of service?
When you recruited them, did you make sure they were suitable for the job?
Do they provide exceptional and unforgettable service?

Excellent customer service is a necessary condition for business growth today. Retaining customers and increasing their satisfaction lead to a significant increase in revenue and profitability. Efforts to retain existing customers while providing quality service pay off five times or more (in terms of cost versus benefit) when compared to efforts to bring in new customers.

What is required to excel in providing a service? A real investment, and working cleverly. Among other things, it is important to establish organizational policies and goals in the field, to train accordingly all those engaged in service provision, to provide them with tools and procedures that will support their day-to-day work, to also give them the responsibility and the flexibility to make their own decisions, and to regularly measure and improve the results supported by control and feedback mechanisms.

ZOOZ helps companies in all aspects of customer service, with an emphasis on matching the organization's resources and the marketing strategy with the needs and expectations of the external and internal customers. We can assist you in complex and comprehensive processes, or in specific professional aspects related to customer service systems and CRM.

Offered Services

Our help and support in the field of customer service includes the following aspects:

Service Centers Establishment
  • Employees selection and placement
  • Basic training and coaching
  • Development of work procedures
  • Purchasing of CRM software
  • Adjusting software interfaces to the needs
Guiding Unique Service Systems
  • Call centers
  • Service at branches (tellers)
  • Technical service
  • External services at the customers
  • Internal customer service
Improving Current Service
  • Development of a service charter
  • Building processes and work procedures
  • Defining training needs
  • Development and delivery of trainings
  • Employee evaluation processes
Organizational Development
  • Profit and cost centers
  • Organizational development
  • Management reserve
  • Implementing a business approach
  • Incentive and reward methods
Setting Goals and Metrics
  • Stealth client processes
  • Satisfaction surveys
  • Waiting and response times
  • Repeat readings and follow-up readings
  • Investigations and lessons learned
  • Accompanying unique service systems
Adjustment to Marketing Needs
  • Integration in sales efforts
  • "Absorption" of new products
  • Evaluations against an advertising campaign
  • Public relations assistance
  • Flowing ideas for innovations

Consulting and Support to Customer Service

Need help with your customer support and CRM?
Contact us for initial discussion.