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New Products - Tiv Tirat-Zvi

Here are examples of new sausages and hotdogs developed by Tiv Tirat-Zvi, a meat products manufacturer. These products were invented during a Systematic Innovation New Product Development workshop.


Thinking Tool: Division
Product: Mana-Mana - hotdogs packed seperately (in a 4-pack), or in pairs (in a package of 4 pairs), and intended for easy microwave preparation. The idea won the top rating during the workshop, and was only recently carried out. Children may also warm the portion in the microwave, as the plastic wrapping opens using a special technique, in the course of heating, preventing child heat injury.



Thinking Tool: Reduction
Product: The Light Line - low fat pastrami line, for heath seekers and weight keepers. Each slice contains only 19 calories. Following the launch, the competitors also developed low-fat sausages, and these kind of sausages are the most sold in Israel today.



Thinking Tool: Distribution (of product), Adjustment to the Environment (of packaging)
Product: Mini-Mini - 'snack' Sausages for children, each sausage is 5 times shorter than regular sausages, thus eliminating the problem of using a knife. Flavor was also adjusted to kids.
Packaging: made of rigid and transparent plastic, resistant to air permeation, to keep the product fresh for a long period of time. Rigid bottom keeps it standing in the refrigerator. After opening the package, it can be hermetically resealed time and again.



Thinking Tool: Adding a Dimension 
Product: Russian language packaging - for the Israeli immigrants of former USSR origin. Russian relish meat products, but believe Israeli's are hardly experts on the matter. This packaging was part of a succesful attempt by Tiv Tirat-Zvi to expose this market segmnet to its products.

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