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New Products - CTS

Here are examples of two new products developed by CTS, a pharmaceutical and cosmetics company. These products were developed during a New Product Development workshop.


Thinking Tool: Reduction
Product: Mokolit Candies - for treatment of phlegm coughing. This product originated from a successful syrup for children, registered as an RX medicine (requiring a doctor's prescription). Reducing the water and turning the syrup into candies enabled CTS to offer it to adults. And, since the active ingredient in this medicine is common and safe, CTS managed to register these candies as an OTC medicine (abolishing the need for a doctor's prescription, and opening new marketing possibilities).


Thinking Tool: Adding a Dimension
Product: Day and Night Baby's Cream - day cream contains less active ingredients (since diapers are frequently changed during daytime); night cream contains cellulose that seals against wetness.