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ProductNet - Moving the World For You

Part IV

Published in Hebrew in Bina Iskit magazine, October 2001

The CEO of Guy Plastic: The project can turn the business around

Zar, CEO of Guy Plastic, Taking part in the ProductNet Program

One of the firms that joined the ProductNet project is Guy Plastic, which makes plastic injection products. "The project can turn the business around", says Boaz Zar, CEO. "Until now we have done an analysis of the facility's capacities and of the product, we've made some adjustments and are now in the product development stage, and we hope to succeed. This is a major springboard for growth". 

Guy Plastic from Holon employs 25 workers and produces mainly technical engineering products for some 60 regular clients. According to Zar, most of the money invested in the new project is from the firm's own capital. "We may be eligible for a grant, but we are not counting only on that. A firm should always think of the next change, or it has no right of existence, particularly in the current state of affairs".

At this stage Zar prefers not to reveal the details of the new product. "We decided to use our production means and produce something in a field we've never entered before, a consumer goods product. The product is due to launch in six months, and the ZOOZ team is helping us in the thinking and marketing process. We already have potential clients interested in the product, particularly overseas. The investment is somewhat larger than the initial sum, but there are several potential investors. If we have to increase the investment, we'll obtain it from them. If the project succeeds, we will also recruit more employees".

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