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Address: ZOOZ Marketing Ltd.,
Mohaliver 1, suite 58, Herzliya 46328 Israel

Success Stories

To write about one's success stories is tricky.

Firstly, success has many fathers. If a company was able to develop 10 new products, as a result of a workshop we held, and increased its profits by 30% in the following year, whose success is it? Is it the method for producing ideas? Is it the facilitator of the workshop?  Is it thanks to the participants, who came up with the ideas? Is it the CEO who led the firm to these achievements? Is it the development team? The package designers? The advertising agency that supported the product launching? The marketing and sales people? Or is it natural market growth? The change in customer tastes? The bankruptcy of a competitor? Is it the timing? Is it luck?

Secondly, success is fickle by nature. What should one make of a success story if it takes a wrong turn a year later? What if other departments lead the company to bankruptcy? What if a new law prohibits the sale of the developed products in the destination country? Or if the company is bought by a competitor who decides to cancel the new products? What if the CEO is replaced, commitment to innovation drops, and business results decline? What if stock market investors decide to boycott the company's industry?

Thirdly, success is not always measured by the bottom line. Sometimes, even though no substantial business results were reached, a personal breakthrough has occurred. For example, a team might undergo a productive and creative process in an area that doesn't have fundamental effects on the firm's profitability. Such a process might change the participant, remain engraved in their hearts, and later lead them to outstanding achievements and results.

And finally, failure is not necessarily an orphan. Some failures are glorious and all the participants were glad to be there in order to learn, grow, develop, and experience. Some errors are the milestones on the way to experience.

That is why, instead of regular success stories, we have some vivid examples of things we did with our clients, of which we and the clients are proud.

Here are the links to our success stories:

You are also invited to see innovative products developed in our innovation workshops, at:

Last but not least, we invite you to examine our client testimonials our clients' testimonials.