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Systematic InnovationTM Workshops

More and more companies are discovering that innovation is the key to survival and prosperity, but that the way to attain this key is quite complex. Effective innovation management requires, among other things, addressing the following issues: 

  • Organizational Infrastructure: managerial commitment and involvement; supporting atmosphere and incentives; innovation manager; cross-departmental innovation committee; appropriate resources including budgets for screening and introducing ideas.
  • Strategic Infrastructure : forming a marketing strategy; identifying added-values that create a competitive advantage; innovation policy (Evolution or revolution? Broadening or cannibalism? Amount of new products per quarter? etc.)
  • Idea Bank: creating ideas for innovative products and services; internal and external screening of the ideas including concept testing; continuous development.
  • Technological Problem-Solving: thinking tools for lowering costs or achieving technological breakthroughs and a competitive advantage.
  • Effective Penetration: including packaging, commercialization, market penetration, and MarCom.

Systematic InnovationTM workshops are designed to improve processes and provide tools for managing innovation in the above-mentioned fields. The workshops are modular and each organization chooses the areas on which it wishes to focus. Later, a cross-departmental innovation team receives consultation, knowledge and practical tools in the required fields.

Systematic InnovationTM workshops combine unique methodologies, including Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) and De Bono's Six Thinking Hats. These methods have been successfully implemented in leading companies such as Phillips, Ford, Scitex, Visa, IBM, Intel, Exxon, Du-Pont, and Kodak.

The emphasis during the workshops is on results. For example, every time we work on idea development, participants come up with dozens of practical ideas for new products and services. Some of these ideas become real products with real profits within a few months. Some of these success stories are: leveling tools, grinding wheels, medicines, hotdogs, and  bathroom cabinets.

Following are more details on Systematic InnovationTM workshops. You may also check out what clients say about our workshops.
For further information and to request a workshop for your organization, please contact Us.

Details about Systematic InnovationTM workshops:

  • During the workshops one of the products or services that the participants actually market is discussed. This product or service serves as a starting point for raising ideas. It is best to choose a major product or service, a "milking cow".
  • The workshops may be applied to any product or service, and have been successfully applied to a wide variety of industries: high-tech, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, cosmetics, financial services, furniture, electronics, fashion, construction equipment, cars, plastic products, and many more.
  • During the workshops, participants master effective Thinking Tools. Numerous examples, exercises and simulations contribute to the understanding of the learned principles.
  • ZOOZ facilitators have extensive knowledge in innovation and experience in facilitating dozens of workshops, in firms such as Motorola, Coca-Cola, Discount Bank, Careline, Electra and many others.
  • The workshops usually include 5-10 managers (all from your firm). In order to ensure effective and productive teamwork, it is best not to exceed ten participants.
  • The participants' team is generally heterogeneous: a cross-departmental team with representatives from marketing, sales, development (and sometime production) departments. The emphasis is on the marketing aspects. However, the development staff assists in confirming the feasibility of the ideas. One positive result of the workshops is an improvement in teamwork and inter-departmental cooperation.
  • The workshops are usually conducted at your organization's offices. A large room with chairs is required (preferably with no tables). The necessary equipment is an erasable board, a PC projector and a screen, and a flip chart stand.
  • Systematic InnovationTM workshops range from 1 to 4 days, and can be organized anywhere on the globe. The price per workshop day in America and Europe is 5,000 USD + taxes.
  • A new service: ProductNet turns subcontractors to global exporters within six months! (see -  Globes article)

In order to learn more about Systematic InnovationTM, see articles on this site.