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Address: ZOOZ Marketing Ltd.,
Mohaliver 1, suite 58, Herzliya 46328 Israel
Home > Human Resources > ZOOZ Effective Training

Consulting and Training

Zooz offers workshops, courses, lectures and organizational development processes in five major areas:

  • Organizational Consulting
    ZOOZ provides organizational consulting services, including: Organizational diagnosis and architecture, Management coaching, Organizational change - planning and implementation, Developing organizational forums and committees, Innovation infrastructure development and more. For further information please contact us.

  • Management Development
    Transformational Leadership, Management by Objectives, Total Planning, Change Management, PR in Internal Communication, Management Styles, Decision-Making - with Board Games, Pygmalion Effect, Employee Motivation, Team Management, Project Management- soft skills, Manager as a Coach, Employee Evaluation, and more. For futher details see our Management Development Workshops booklet (Hebrew PDF file).

  • Employee Development
    Inter-personal Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Confilct Management, Mediation at the Workplace, Teamwork, Group Decision-Making, Meeting Management, Time Management, Learning Organization, Handling Stress at Work, Working Under Pressure - with Board Games, Job Insecurtiy, and more. For futher details see our Employee Development Workshops booklet (Hebrew PDF file).

  • Innovation & Creativity
    Innovation Management, Innovation Strategy, New Product and Service Develoment using Inventive Thinking, SCAMPER, Idea-Bank Management (Internal and External Screening), De Bono's Six Thinking Hats, De Bono's Thinking Skills, Inventive Thinking in Technology, Multiple Intelligences, Intuitive Painting, and more. For futher details see our Innovation & Creativity Workshops booklet (Hebrew PDF file).

  • Strategy & Marketing (including Service & Sales)
    Stategic Plan Development, Blue Ocean Strategy, Strategic Accounting, Introduction to Marketing, Advanced Marketing and Sales Techniques, Costumer Churn, Complex Sales B2B, Costumer Service Contract, The Science of Shopping, Creative Advertising, Effective Presentation, Pro-active Public Relations, Management, and more. For futher details see our Strategy & Marketing Workshops booklet (Hebrew PDF file).

For information about other workshops please Contact Us.