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Business Coaching

Business and Personal Coaching

For managers and employees

Coaching is a process in which the coach helps define and achieve goals, relying on the commitment and enthusiasm of the coachee himself. Unlike a business consultant or mentor, the coach does not focus on professional assistance and guidance, but rather provides a structured (and... binding) framework of focus and clarity, in order to fulfill your desires and ambitions, and the business goals you are aiming for.

Our head coach is Dr. Moshe Ben-Eliezer. He has extensive business and management experience, a surprising resemblance to Freud, and a deep commitment to his coaches, who usually feel with him, instantly, and rightly so, in safe hands. We will be happy to arrange an introductory meeting for you.

When Do You Need Coaching?

It is recommended to use business coaching in these cases:

  • When it is necessary to improve the business results without additional resources (resources, money, time)
  • When it is necessary to acclimate to a new position
  • When establishing and managing a new team or unit
  • To increase job satisfaction
  • When managing a project without formal authority, in front of colleagues, non-subordinate employees, suppliers, customers, etc.
  • When it is necessary to improve cooperation between colleagues, or between a manager and subordinates
  • when it is important to motivate employees and improve teamwork
  • When it is necessary to clarify and direct the employees to the goals and objectives of the organization
  • As a complement to consulting and organizational development processes


What Does the Coaching include?

A typical training process includes the following steps:

  • Introductory meeting
    A non-binding meeting, in which the coach and the coachee meet for the first time, check if there is mutual compatibility between them, and define the goal of the training. It is important to make sure there is compatibility and chemistry before deciding to move forward. If there is no match, it is better to coordinate another introductory meeting - with another trainer.

    If you decide to move forward with the training process, it is important to decide on a specific topic to train on. It is usually a desired behavioral change of the trainee. When an organization orders a training process for the trainee, the desired behavioral change will also be dictated by the ordering manager on behalf of the organization itself.

    Behavioral change is not an easy thing to achieve, therefore, in order to improve the chances of success, within a given training process, focus on only one behavioral change. If additional behavioral changes are required, separate training processes can be carried out later.

  • Coaching agreement
    The trainee, the trainer and the organization sign a binding work agreement, in which the subject of the training, the schedules, the cost, and the commitment of all parties are defined.

    The organization commits to the financial framework and to make time for the coach, the coach commits to help the coach to the best of his ability, and the coach commits to arrive at the training sessions on time, and train with all seriousness out of a true desire to change as defined.

    The commitment of the trainee is a basic principle in the training methodology, and is therefore a necessary and essential condition. In other words - the trainee must want to train and change, and be ready to make an effort to do so and get out of his comfort zone, otherwise there is no point in training.

  • Coaching sessions
    The trainee and the coach will usually meet once a week, for a meeting of one to two hours. A typical training process lasts 12 hours, and the parties are committed to such a period of time in advance. Sometimes additional hours are required, but usually this is enough time to bring about the required behavioral change.

    In some cases the training is interrupted in the middle, due to a lack of commitment on the part of the trainee, a feeling of dead end on the part of the trainer, or other reasons. In such cases, it is advisable to have a "closing" meeting in order to end the process in an orderly manner and leave with important insights.

  • Closing session
    At the end of the meetings, and when the required behavioral change is achieved, a summary meeting is held, in which we find out what was achieved, and what additional things are required to further strengthen the behavioral change created. The trainee and the coach receive feedback on the process, and part of the meeting may also be joined by the responsible manager on behalf of the organization.

  • Continued process
    If necessary, you can set a new goal (another desired behavioral change) and subsequently start a new training process.


Group Coaching

In addition to training processes with a single trainer, you can also go through training processes with the participation of several trainers together. For example - partner training (for two or more partners together), or group training (for managements or teams).

In such cases, the steps of the process are quite similar, but the training may be longer, and emphasis is placed on group dynamics, and on the group's work as a team. When ordering such a process, it is important to choose a trainer with experience in group training, as it is a more complex process, and the range of skills and abilities required of the trainer is wider.

Order Business Coaching

Interested in business training for managers and employees or personal training? Contact us for an introductory meeting:
+972-9-9585085, or .