
Written by ZOOZ consulting and training | (972)-9-9585085 | info@zooz.co.il | www.zooz.co.il

  | Issue 49 |


We are pleased to send you the new issue of LaZOOZ.
This monthly newsletter is sent as a free service to thousands of senior executives.
It features different sections each time, and does not include advertisements.


We have tried to keep it brief, knowing that your time is precious and your work is plentiful. Those who wish to learn more can find links to articles and sources of relevant information. We hope that you will find the newsletter useful. We would be happy to receive any comments and suggestions.

Pleasant reading!
Ari Manor , CEO, ZOOZ


Methods and tools for managing innovation processes

The Resolved Conflict Principle

In order to solve complex problems, both the constraints and the desired solution must be well defined. A good way to do this is to use the Resolved Conflict Principle. This principle states that in order to solve a problem and find the “light at the end of the tunnel”, you must word a sentence that describes the desired solution (“the light”), as something that is already happening, despite the constraints (“the tunnel walls”).

The Resolved Conflict Principle – An Example:

  • An initial description of the problem:
    • You’ve recently noticed that your computer is too slow.

  • A definition of the problem according to the Lasso Principle (previously explained here): 
    • “The computer This computer is too slow".
  • A definition of the desired solution:
    • “This computer will be faster”.
    • If the computer will be faster, we will have arrived at the “light at the end of the tunnel”.

  • A definition of the constraints:
    • We won’t add new hardware to the computer.
    • On the way to resolving the problem, we must pass through the tunnel walls (the constraint not to add more hardware).
  • The worded sentence according to the Resolved Conflict Principle:
    • This computer will be faster even though we are not adding new hardware to it.
    • This definition lets you focus on desired solutions (such as cleaning the fan, clearing the memory, accelerating the speed of the timer, etc.) - solutions that do not involve the expense of new hardware.

In summary, if you define a problem in resolved conflict terms, you will always be aware of the constraints and be able to consider them and progress only in the right paths on the way to the required solution. This type of phrasing the problem is very helpful in arriving at effective and practical ideas.

  • For articles on Systematic Innovation: click here.
  • Information about Systematic Innovation workshops can be found here


What's new at ZOOZ

Patent Development

Intelligent patent development and registration is an important element in the Intellectual Property (IP) of companies in general and technological enterprises in particular. Patents help in recruiting investment, they protect against potential imitators, strengthen marketing efforts and agreements with distributors and buyers, improve an organization’s reputation and estimated worth, and increase the chance of a successful exit (whether in stock issue or merger and acquisition processes).

ZOOZ currently offers patent development workshops. These workshops last two days or longer, with 5-15 participants that are managers and engineers in your organization. At the beginning of the workshop, the participants learn the necessary background (what a patent is, how to submit and manage it, how you can use it to your advantage). Then, a systematic survey is conducted in order to raise ideas for new patents in the organization’s area of business and relevant technologies. Finally, we can assist you in implementing these ideas – including their management, implementation, development and commercialization.

Mr. Gil Perlberg leads ZOOZ’s patent department. Mr. Perlberg previously worked as VP of IP at ShellCase, he served as VP of Engineering and Development and VP of Marketing at other companies, and has registered over 10 patents. Gil has facilitated similar workshops at international companies in Israel and abroad (including in the areas of medical instrumentation and in the semiconductors industry). Gil has a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering, a Masters in Electrical Engineering and an M.B.A. More information about him can be found here (in Hebrew).

  • For more information about Patent Development workshops:
    call +972-9-958-5085 or email info@zooz.co.il


A creative advertisement and its logic

Baring Claws


The logic of a product that is not used for what it is designed for has been described in this section in the past.

Both of the adjacent ads advertise nail hardener products. The top ad is for Nivea Nail Hardener, which contains calcium to strengthen and lengthen nails. The bottom ad is for a Friggs nutritional supplement designed to strength nails.

In both ads, the outcome of using the product is such long and strong nails that they can even be used to open cans. This is of course an exaggeration, but it is a good way to humorously demonstrate how strong the nails have become.

The top Nivea ad was advertised in 2008 by the TBWA Vienna agency, two years after the bottom ad. Is this a blatant imitation? This site, which is dedicated to exposing advertising imitations, claims that it is.

The world of associations surrounding “hard and strong fingernails” is finite and limited, and it is possible that the TBWA agency independently reinvented the image of fingernails being used as a can opener.

It may not be an imitation. Possible, but not probable… whoever was looking for fingernail ad ideas in 2008 could have easily found the bottom ad, which received a great deal of exposure when it was submitted by the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather Sweden to an esteemed advertising competition in Cannes.


  • We would be happy to receive more interesting advertisements Please send them to ari@zooz.co.il.
  • Information about Creative Advertising workshops appears here (Page 18 of a Hebrew PDF booklet).

Published by ZOOZ | +972-9-9585085 | info@zooz.co.il | www.zooz.co.il

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