
Written by ZOOZ consulting and training | (972)-9-9585085 | |

  | Issue 46 |


We are pleased to send you the new issue of LaZOOZ.
This monthly newsletter is sent as a free service to thousands of senior executives.
It features different sections each time, and does not include advertisements.


We have tried to keep it brief, knowing that your time is precious and your work is plentiful. Those who wish to learn more can find links to articles and sources of relevant information. We hope that you will find the newsletter useful. We would be happy to receive any comments and suggestions.

Pleasant reading!
Ari Manor , CEO, ZOOZ


Methods and tools for managing innovation processes

The Lasso Principle

Accurately defining a problem is a necessary and important step, which in fact already comprises 50% of the solution. In order to accurately define a problem, it’s important to work according to the Lasso Principle, meaning - to target it accurately and precisely - with a definition that is neither too narrow nor too broad.

The Lasso Principle - An Example:

  • An initial description of the problem:
    • You’ve recently noticed that your computer is too slow.

  • A definition of the problem that is too narrow: 
    • “The computer doesn’t have enough RAM”
    • This definition encompasses the potential solution. The resulting solution is that the memory must be increased; however, this is an expensive solution and may not even be necessary.
  • A definition of the problem that is too broad:
    • “The office equipment is outdated” (or a more extreme option: “Life stinks!”).
    • These definitions are not specific enough, and result in coping unnecessarily with more difficult and complex problems (replacing all the office equipment, changing work place, etc.).

  • An accurate definition - according to the Lasso Principle:
    • “This computer is too slow”.
    • This definition makes it possible to come up with several specific solutions to increase the computer’s working speed. For example – deleting files from memory, defragmenting the disk, opening fewer applications simultaneously, checking that the computer isn’t infected with a virus that is slowing down its performance, and more. Each solution can be checked and tested according to time and budgetary constraints. When a cheaper solution works, there’s no point in implementing a more expensive solution (such as increasing the memory or replacing the entire computer, or changing work places…).

In short, the more accurately and specifically you define the problem, ensuring that the definition is neither too narrow nor too broad, the greater chances you will have of finding an effective, inexpensive, and appropriate solution.

  • For articles on Systematic Innovation: click here.


What's new at ZOOZ

A Rekindled Spark

The Nitsos Program (nitsos means “spark” in Hebrew) is a government program that subsidizes approx. 70% of the cost involved in leading internal innovation processes in Israeli manufacturing companies that employ 50-100 workers. The Nitsos Program was recently “rekindled” subsequent to the appointment of a new program manager – Mr. Nissim Mishraki. Some of the typical activities included in the Nitsos Program are seven workshop days with 6-12 participants, once every two weeks, throughout one quarter.

ZOOZ is the leading consulting company in the Nitsos Program, and has led dozens of innovation processes as part of the program. We offer a wide variety of systematic innovation solutions, including:

  • Developing new goods and services
    • 3 days dedicated to developing innovation ideas for one product line.
    • An additional independently led day dedicated to developing innovations in a second product line.
    • 3 days dedicated to internal and external screening and promoting the top ideas.

  • Solving technological problems 
    • A 3-day technological problem-solving course
    • 4 more days on solving real problems, with the aim of reducing production and operation costs (in hundreds of thousands of shekels), or developing innovative solutions and technologies.
  • Strategic Innovation:
    • A variety of options for developing innovative strategies, including one day dedicated to differentiation and positioning and creating an innovative marketing mix, three or more days for identifying and planning strategic growth directions and Blue Oceans, and seven or more days for developing a complete business and marketing strategy.

Since The Nitsos Program currently has the budget for additional companies interested in renewing, companies should secure their place if they wish to undergo the process during the upcoming two years. Please contact us – we will be happy to help you register and choose the course that best suits your needs.


A creative advertisement and its logic

Bright White


The logic of taking outcomes to the extreme, which describes a radical implication of a product or service’s benefit, has been described in this section several times in the past.

The adjacent ads show the whitening effect of Orbit gum (top) and Aquafresh toothpaste (bottom), resulting in unbelievably bright white teeth.

The radical outcomes were soon to follow: in the top ad, the adults’ teeth are so white that, similar to a blindingly bright sun, they caused such a strong glare that their faces were blinded in the film. In complete contrast to them, the girl in the picture apparently does not chew Orbit gum and therefore her teeth are not dazzlingly white, and her face is clearly visible in the photograph.

In the bottom ad, the sleeping couple’s teeth are so white and bright that they had to cover their mouths so as not to flood their bedroom with light during the night.

Comparing both ads, Aquafresh’s ad presents a more radical idea (turning darkness into light). On the other hand, Orbit gum’s ad is of a higher quality (the title and the toothpaste box in the bottom ad are too large and imposing, and therefore this ad more closely resembles a hard sale ad than an image advertisement).


  • We would be happy to receive more interesting advertisements Please send them to

Published by ZOOZ | +972-9-9585085 | |

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