
Written by ZOOZ consulting and training | (972)-9-9585085 | |

  | Issue 22 |


We are pleased to send you the new issue of LaZOOZ.
This monthly newsletter is sent as a free service to thousands of senior executives.
It features different sections each time, and does not include advertisements.


We have tried to keep it brief, knowing that your time is precious and your work is plentiful. Those who wish to learn more can find links to articles and sources of relevant information. We hope that you will find the newsletter useful. We would be happy to receive any comments and suggetsions.

Pleasant reading!
Ari Manor, CEO, ZOOZ


Methods and tools for managing innovation processes


This is the sixth of the seven SCAMPER conceptual tools. This tool - Eliminate - attempts to eliminate a component of a product, service, or process. For example - Self-Service (no server) or non-fat yogurt. This tool is very similar to two inventive thinking tools that were previously mentioned in this section - Reduction (the elimination of a component and its function) and Unification (eliminating a component and having its function performed by another existing component). The idea of this tool is to try and reduce the quantity of components in order to get a more cost-effective, durable (less parts likely to break down) product or service, or one that has other benefits (for example - healthy, compact, etc.).


The stages of how Eliminate works:

  1. The first stage is choosing a product, service or process.
  2. The second stage is writing down the internal components (tangible and abstract).
  3. In the third stage, an original way to eliminate (partially or completely) one (or more) component is sought.
  4. In the fourth stage, how the product/service/process will look is demonstrated, and benefits are identified.


Example 1:

  • The existing service: A website (informative or commercial) intended for the general public.
  • Internal components: website URL, pages, links, information, system (writing properties), forums, design, updates, product information, prices, information about the site owners, pictures, site structure, map of the site....
  • Innovations that commercial websites have already undergone:
    • A site without a system (WEB2.0 - the editors are the surfers themselves. For example, community forums, blogs, pictures, products, etc. that the surfers create and upload themselves).
    • A WAP site tailored to a hand-held computer (without pictures, and with limited properties and design).
    • A commercial site with products that have no fixed prices (an auctions site).
    • A personalizeable website (there is no uniform design and content - the surfer defines the design as he desires).
  • Innovations that commercial websites have not yet undergone (to the best of our knowledge):
    • A website without a permanent URL (its URL is constantly changing and it must be "chased" with the help of search engines - just like a Treasure Hunt).
    • A website that has no permanent structure (the Home Page and the rest of the site's structure changes randomly once a day and creates interest for repeat surfers).
    • A website without a design, but with content - and an appeal to the design public to make design suggestions (at the end a winner of the design competition is declared, and maybe a few alternative designs will be left).
    • A website where you buy surprises - purchase products (such as electronic appliances) at a 50% discount, but without knowing what product you are buying.

Example 2:

  • The Process: Recruiting employees.
  • Components (stages) in the process: characterization of the job requirements, advertising the position, receiving CVs from external sources: directly and from manpower agencies, initial sorting - professional and "human", job interviews, tests at assessment institutes, selecting candidates, negotiations over contracts, receiving new employees, and initial training.
  • Innovations that the process of recruiting employees has already undergone:
    • Referrals by friends (recruiting while waiving external sources).
    • A uniform contract (there is no negotiation over the ontract).
    • Recruiting a "management reserve" (the recruits undergo general training, and are placed according to the abilities that they exhibit only later on - there are promotion tracks but there is no predetermined Job Description).
  • Innovations that have not yet been undergone in the process of recruiting employees (to the best of our knowledge):
    • Recruiting without sorting (a large number of employees are recruited for a trial period without any tests, and those that excel get a long-term contract).
    • A Job Description is created by the employee himself and not by the organization (the new employee learns the organization and proposes where he can fit in, the scope of the position, and the salary - a sort of opposite process).
    • A fictitious wanted ad - that will appeal to executives (there is no such position available, but you can learn from the responses to the ad which competing or internal managers are dissatisfied and disloyal to their current employer.)



What's new at ZOOZ

Marketing Accompaniment in Israeli Retail

Retail activity in Israel is no simple matte. The Israel market is fairly small, extremely competitive, and segmented to sectors that have significantly different characteristics and demands. It is not easy for store and chain owners, and it is not easy for manufacturers and importers that are trying to grow and flourish.


A new service that ZOOZ offers includes comprehensive marketing and management accompaniment for anyone active in the Israeli retail market. This is an accompaniment process lasting a few months, which includes a comprehensive assessment where various aspects of the activity are evaluated (agreements with suppliers, operation and logistics, regional or national positioning, handling of the points of sale, advertising and sales promotional means, pricing, managing sales, products offered and packaging, etc.), recommendations are given, and later managerial assistance is given to implement the recommendations and carry out improvement processes.


The consultation is mostly given on the basis of a monthly retainer, and is coordinated by Ms. Iris Strassman , a Marketing Consultant and Director with vast experience in the field of retail marketing in Israel. Iris was formerly the Marketing Director of Careline and Neca, the Marketing VP of Mey Eden, and the Director of Marketing and Acquisitions of the Elite chain of stores.


  • If you require assistance in this field, contact us


A creative advertisement and its logic

Advertising Impact


Components that exist where the advertisement appears can be effectively taken advantage of to attract attention to the message, as we demonstrated here in the past.


And when the ad not only makes creative use of the surrounding components, but is also positioned in an environment relevant to the message - in other words in a place where the reader encounters it when he is already "on the topic", an extremely powerful advertising impact is created that is difficult to ignore.


For example, the advertisement that is presented here warns against the dangers of drunk driving. It makes clever use of the tree and the curb, but it also brilliantly positioned - exactly in a spot where drivers and pedestrians pass, and drivers are trying to park - all of them are exposed to road hazards (and the tree…) - and therefore they will internalize the message very well and not forget it. The same goes for every brilliant ad. Even this ad creates a "buzz" and people that come across it recount it to others. In other words, this is an excellent and effective way to transmit a social message that "works overtime" - even with a very low advertising budget.


Published by ZOOZ | +972-9-9585085 | |

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