
Written by ZOOZ consulting and training | (972)-9-9585085 | |

  | Issue 19 |


We are pleased to send you the 19th issue of LaZOOZ.
This monthly newsletter is sent as a free service to thousands of senior executives.
It features different sections each time, and does not include advertisements.


We have tried to keep it brief, knowing that your time is precious and your work is plentiful. Those who wish to learn more can find links to articles and sources of relevant information. We hope that you will find the newsletter useful. We would be happy to receive any comments and suggetsions.

Pleasant reading!
Ari Manor, CEO, ZOOZ


Methods and tools for managing innovation processes

Put to Other Uses

This is the fifth of the seven SCAMPER conceptual tools. This tool - Put to Other Uses attempts to identify new uses and purposes for a product, service, or process. For example - Coca Cola was originally a wonder drug sold as a concentrated syrup at pharmacies, and only later on did it become a thirst quenching carbonated beverage. The idea of this tool is to try and take advantage of benefits that the product, service or process offers - and to use these benefits for a new purpose, new market, and/or a new target population


Operative stages of "Put to Other Uses" :

  1. The first stage is choosing a product, service or process.
  2. The second stage is writing down benefits derived from them (including secondary benefits).
  3. In the third stage, a new use and purpose is sought, in light of the benefits that were mentioned.
  4. In the fourth stage, new ideas about how to tailor the product/service/process to the new purpose are raised.
  5. In the fifth stage, how the product/service/process will look and be marketed as a result of the modification is demonstrated.


Example 1:

  • Existing product: The jeep
  • Benefits (including secondary): high navigability, enjoyment, prestige,
    bounces the passengers, open and ventilated.
  • > Innovations that the Jeep already undergone (originally a military vehicle):
    • A jeep for civilian use (makes nature trips possible due to its high navigability)
    • An urban jeep (enjoyable and prestigious)
  • Innovations that the jeep has not yet undergone (to the best of our knowledge):
    • A trampoline jeep (with suspension and seats that bounce the passengers even more, for an extreme sport experience, a type of "rodeo" ride).
    • A taxi jeep (an enjoyable and prestigious taxi, with high navigability, making shortcuts on dirt roads possible).
    • A delivery jeep (suitable for delivering cargo to remote areas. A large and accessible compartment must be added to the rear of the jeep, and a very high-quality suspension system must be installed).

Example 2:

  • Process: Printing ink
  • Benefits and advantages: printing a dense arrays of dots, separate color containers, possibility of printing layers.
  • Innovations that the process of printing ink has already undergone (originally used to print documents):
    • Printing electronic rings (instead of ink on paper, print a conductor on silicone).
    • Printing a biological chip (printing DNA different segments in dense arrays, used as a means to test identification of biological activity and genetic expression in various tissues). 
    • Printing pictures (including on appropriate sizes of paper / a protective layer in matte or glossy color)
    • Printing 3D patterns (using multi-layer printing)
  • Innovations that have not yet been undergone (to the best of our knowledge):
    • Printing a tattoo (injecting ink directly from the printer head into the skin)
    • An acupuncture machine for therapy (acupuncture or massage of a part of the body)
    • Whipped cream decorations (a machine that prints 3D whipped cream patterns on cakes).



What's new at ZOOZ

Excellence in Customer Service

Until recently, ZOOZ offered a top-down process in the field of customer service that begins with a service mission statement (at the management level), and continues with assistance in implementing the mission statement (at all levels of the organization). Currently, we are also offering service seminars intended for regular employees (that serve external or internal customers). The emphasis in the new seminars is on solving conflicts and on effective and courteous handling of customer complaints.


Today, more than ever, it's obvious that high customer satisfaction leads to even higher profitability: satisfied customers will come back to make future purchases and even become enthusiastic advocates. Therefore, excellence in customer service is a critical skill for an organization that wants to succeed. But, unfortunately, the initial encounter of the organization's representatives often starts on the wrong foot when a customer calls to complain or demand something (that is not always possible to provide to him). ZOOZ's new seminar teaches how to communicate with customers more effectively, how to also comprehend and relate to their hidden messages, and how to manage conflicts with them successfully and leave them with a good feeling even when their demands are not met.


  • For more information on the Excellence in Customer Service workshop : See page 25 here (PDF in Hebrew).
  • For information on the process that includes the "Service Mission Statement" and its implementation : See page 16 here (PDF in Hebrew)


A creative advertisement and its logic

Using External Components - II


In Issue 16 of LaZOOZ we described how to use existing components (staples in the newspaper's centerfold) to emphasize an advertising message. Another example of smart use of external items is illustrated here.


This time the ad is printed on plastic bags and makes use of the bag's handles. When you hold the bag, from the side it looks as if the bag is biting (actually closer to devouring) the fingers of the person holding the bag.


The ad is intended for nail biters. Aside form the picture of a man or woman whose mouth is open at the exact site of the handles, the ad contains only 3 words and a small photograph of the product. "Nail biter?" the title asks, and on the right hand side you see the product - Stop 'n Grow, and it says that it "helps"). This is an advertisement for nail polish (apparently very bitter tasting) that prevents nail biting. Whoever puts their hand into one of these bags will definitely notice the ad, especially if he or she is indeed a nail biter. If he gets the bag at the cash register (of a supermarket or drugstore), and filled it with groceries, and assuming that the product is presented adjacent to the cash register or mentioned at the check-out sales promotions, it is very likely that he will reach out and add it to his shopping items. And when he leaves the store and walks out to the street with the bag, it is very likely that anyone who sees him (walking with a bag that is biting his hand) will not ignore the advertisement. What else can you ask from an ad on a plastic bag?


  • For Information on the Creative Advertising workshop see page 18 of the  booklet of Strategy and Marketing workshops (Hebrew, PDF file) or contact us
  • For an article on developing products by using external components: click here
  • A special thanks to Daniel, and to Michal from Mekorot, who (separately) sent us this advertisement. We would be happy to receive more interesting advertisements. Please send them to

Published by ZOOZ | +972-9-9585085 | |

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