
Written by ZOOZ consulting and training | (972)-9-9585085 | |

  | Issue 08 |


We are glad to send you the eighth issue of LaZOOZ.
The newsletter is sent as a free service to thousands of senior executives in the Israeli market.

Over the 7 issues and more than a year of sending the newsletter, we have received readers' comments that call for some changes in its format. Therefore, we have chosen to split the newsletter and offer alternating sections in shorter format. On the other hand, we will be sending you the newsletter every month rather than on every other month.

We tried to keep it short, assuming that your time is precious and the work is plentiful.
Those who wish to learn more, will find links to articles and relevant information sources.
We hope that you will find the newsletter useful. We will be glad to receive any comments and suggetsions.

Pleasant reading!
Ari Manor, CEO, ZOOZ


An interview with a senior executive

Yosi Elihu, CEO, Israeli Network of Management Colleges

  • Number of employees in firm: 2,500
  • Number of employees under my direct responsibility: 60
  • We provide: Education services to Israeli citizens of all ages and locations.
  • I'm on the job for: 18 months. Before that I was CEO of Makefet pension fund, and prior to that - treasurer of the Israeli Workers Union, owner of a lawyers firm, CEO of Tahal Engineering, CEO of Sde-Boker College, treasurer of Merhavim regional council, and army Major. My parents moved from Jerusalem to the Negev desert following Ben-Gurion's call, and I used to have a farm there. I have a first degree in Economics (Jerusalem University. I was among the students organization's leaders), a second degree in Industrial Engineering and Management (Ben-Gurion University), and a Law degree (Tel Aviv University).
  • I like on the job: The challenge - teaching the citizens of Israel (children, youths and adults) how to learn - in face of the increase of knowledge pace today, and the changing of occupation every 10 years. Also - spreading the values of respect and empathy to others, of giving in order that you may receive, of work and of the Israeli tradition.
  • Most difficult on the job: Cutbacks by the state, and the lack of awareness on the part of the authorities of the importance of values and learning patterns that must be given to the citizens.
  • Goals I set for myself: The give each child in Israel tools that fit their personal abilities (rather than their financial ability), and to educate for uniqueness and excellence - in order that the light of Israel may indeed shine on the world. This is what will help us survive.
  • Our vision: To give the citizens of Israel unique and excellent education, according to their abilities. We've reached this vision through internal discussions, and we realize it in our actions: we offer university level courses in junior-highs and high schools, we have a special kindergarten program developed by Achva College, and we will work together with the Joint Institute for empowering entire communities (read and write skills for new immigrants, safe learning environment at home, etc.).
  • Original product in our market: (a) A software for identifying and assiting special needs in schools - analyzing each student's achievements and social status (with Achva College). (b) A program on Beduin and Jewish Diaspora medicinal herbs (with Ben Gurion University) - in our Natural & Alternative Medical school.
  • Sources of innovation: We listen to and interview educational and social organizations all the time, and together come up with new opportunities and ideas for joint projects.
  • Book recommendation: "Iacocca : An Autobiography", by Lee Iacocca & William Novak, is a wonderful example of vision, leadership and courage.
  • To purchase the book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
  • Send comments to :
  • Would you like to be interviewed?: contact us


A must-read book for managers


Why We Buy: The Science Of Shopping / Paco Underhill / Simon & Schuster

This classic book is based on tens of thousands of observations on the way people act in shops, in front of, and between store shelves. The author, Paco Underhill, is considered to be the "father of the science of shopping" - the research of people's behavior in retail environments. Instead of interviewing people and conducting market surveys, Underhill and his research team use anthropological tools, by making direct and hidden observations on realtime and real environment behaviors.

These observations were conducted by observers that note each action of the buyer in special forms developed for that purpose, as well as the use of hidden video cameras and other methods. This method of research produced dozens of instructive insights, that change the way we design and plan shops, shelves, packages, product lines, planograms, signs and commercial environments. Thus, for example, it turns out that when entering a store the costumer usually tries to get used to the passage from the street indoors, turns left, and fails to notice any signs. Another interesting finding is that people walk quickly when passing next to a bank (a nearby shop is bound to lose client traffic), and slow down next to mirrors (Narcisism can help your sales...). The rising power of women and senior citizens is evident in other results of the research, and one must adapt retailing to their needs (e.g. a medication for senior citizens with very small captions, which is placed on a lower shelf, will remain there unclaimed...).

This is a must-read book for all those interested in retail, for those who market in retail settings and for anyone wanting to learn how people really shop, and how you may help (or disturb) them in doing so. On top of that, the book is well-written, and may be of interest to anybody who likes to watch people, their curiosities and human nature.



An innovation which surprised the world market and competitors

New Balance - sneakers in multiple widths

Since the beginning of the 20th century and until 1961, New Balance sold mostly orthopedical products - inner soles to support the arch of the foot and prescription made orthopedical shoes. In 1961, it presented to the world the first ever professional running shoe available in multiple widths (the innovative pattern of Adding a Dimension). This shoe, also the first to include slits on the sole (for improved grip), was called Trackster, and soon became the shoe of choice for college running coaches and YMCA fitness directors across the USA. Sales of the new shoe spread by word-of-mouth and kept rising over the 1960's. It accelarated during the 70's, with an organized marketing and advertising effort.

Today, New Balance keeps making sports shoes in multiple widths, because "Feet don't come in one or two widths". It offers "professional" footwear for athletes and amateurs alike, and focuses on best fit to the feet and on performance improvement - rather than on fashion or Superstar endorsment. Incidently, New Balance basketball shoes, a market the firm entered in only recent years, are not cheap - but are indeed the best we've tried on.



Published by ZOOZ | +972-9-9585085 | |

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